Wedding Macarons in Singapore for Jacobe and Esther

Above: A sample macaron I did for the wedding of Jacobe and Esther

Jacobe and I got to know one another when we got together to do a song collaboration for (he's got very strong vocal muscles, believe me), and that was when I thought it'll be a good idea to do macarons for his wedding.

He agreed immediately, and boy were the end results good.

Firstly, it's my first time making so many big macarons for a special occassion. Secondly, I've never done so many macarons and let so many people try my creations on such a scale. So really, it was an experience like no other for me.

wedding macarons in singapore

Above: The handsome groom and I


wedding macarons in singapore

Above: My macarons that served as door gifts for the event. 6 exciting flavours! Namely, Oreo (white), Blueberry (purple), Chocolate (brown), Durian (pink), Green Tea (green) and Mango (yellow)


And because of the large scale of a church wedding, I was once again delighted by the smiles I put on the faces of the guests.

wedding macarons in singapore

Above: Excited guests munching and showing off the macarons.


wedding macarons in singapore

Above: An excited guest reaching out for a piece of chocolate macaron.


But how would this experience be complete without making the bride and groom delighted by the macs? After all, they are the main stars of the event. And their joy and expressions were priceless:

wedding macarons in singapore

Above: Me with the happy bride and groom with the macaron door gifts


wedding macarons in singapore

Above: Us 3 about to munch on the goodies. 🙂


Aside from all the excitement and the happy faces by the happy macaron eaters, I'm really happy to have added something a little extra to Jacobe and Esther's wedding.

To Jacobe and Esther: Thanks for the priviledge of allowing me to share my creations with your guests. May you 2 enjoy everlasting marital bliss!


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